My research interests focus on active and intelligent transport, road safety and data science for transport (data collection, storage, processing, analysis (machine learning), and visualization).
I am interested in really intelligent transport systems, i.e. systems that actually exhibit intelligent features such as adaptation to changing conditions with minimal supervising. Massive amounts of data are now collected continuously in our connected world, from geo-location devices in mobile phones to video sensors. If this data can be automatically analyzed, there are great opportunities for a better understanding and optimization of transport systems, from their management to user information. The field of computational transport science is thus emerging at the intersection of computer/data science and transport, to apply advanced data processing techniques to transport.
I am particularly interested in collecting and analyzing microscopic user data, e.g. trajectory data collected automatically using video sensors and computer vision techniques. This data can be interpreted automatically to learn and understand road users' behaviour and analyze road safety (without waiting for accidents to happen). I am also very interested in transport in general, in particular active transport, walking, cycling and public transit. Research on them has been typically limited, in particular in regard of their importance. The following is a list of keywords that are relevant to my research interests:
Transport keywords: intelligent transportation systems (inc. vehicular automation and driver assistance technologies), road safety, surrogate safety measures, interactions, traffic conflicts (near miss), risk of collision, exposure, simulation, utility cycling, walking, integration of transport and urban planning, placemaking.
Computing keywords: data science, computing, artificial intelligence, machine learning, algorithms, computer vision.
Finally, I am a supporter of open science for many reasons, both from a philosophical and moral point of view, and from a practical point of view. From a philosophical and moral point of view, it is the right thing to do, especially for publicly funded research institutions and it allows reproducible research: why should you trust my claims if you cannot replicate my work? From a practical point of view, it is a better method (open source software is a better software development technique) and my research benefits from collaboration and sharing code and data with you, as you reference my research and release publicly your improvements in turn). Join the movement!
- Khalil Sabri, Ph.D. student (with Guillaume-Alexandre Bilodeau, Polytechnique, principal supervisor, and Wassim Bouachir, TÉLUQ)
- Yassine Achour, Ph.D. student (with Guillaume-Alexandre Bilodeau, Polytechnique, principal supervisor, and Wassim Bouachir, TÉLUQ)
- Jiaqi Li, Ph.D. candidate (with Guillaume-Alexandre Bilodeau, Polytechnique, principal supervisor)
- Hagen Saul, Ph.D. candidate (with Heather Kaths, University of Wuppertal)
- Guillaume Neven, Ph.D. candidate (with Lijun Sun, McGill University)
- Rodwell Nicolas Bent, Ph.D. candidate (with Alejandro Quintero, Polytechnique, principal supervisor, and Francesco Ciari, Polytechnique)
- Qingwu Liu, Ph.D. candidate (with Guillaume-Alexandre Bilodeau, Polytechnique)
- Wilfried Evans Deutcho Ndjonjup, M.A.Sc. student
- Reza Zarei, M.A.Sc. student (with Owen Waygood, Polytechnique)
- Tristan Fortin, M.A.Sc. student
- Edwin Bazerji, M.Eng. student
- Alvaro Galarza, M.Eng. student
Past Students
As stated in my research interests I support open science, i.e. sharing data and code. The most important project I started is called Traffic Intelligence and contains various tools for transport data processing. The projects with available code or data are listed in the table below.
Projects | Authors | Links (repositories) | Open Source |
Traffic Intelligence: tools for transport analysis, in particular road traffic, including a video analysis tool that extract the trajectories of moving objects from video data | Saunier and collaborators (ongoing) | Bitbucket repository with documentation, code | X |
Studio (Street Users Direct Observation): tool to clean, validate, and analyze the trajectory of street users obtained from Traffic Intelligence | Abbas SheikhMohammadZadeh | GitHub | X |
tvaLib: integrated tool and library for surrogate safety analysis | Paul St-Aubin | Archived repository | |
Urban Tracker: alternate tracker based on background subtraction and keypoints | Jean-Philippe Jodoin | Project page, Bitbucket | X |
Calibration of driving behavior models using derivative-free optimization and video data for montreal highways | Laurent Gauthier | Page | X |
I support Open Access.
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[HTML bibliography from JabRef] [bibtex file] [Google Scholar profile] [ORCID iD] [arXiv]
- 2024
- A. SheikhMohammadZadeh, N. Saunier, and E.O.D. Waygood. Studio : A python graphical tool for analyzing street user observations from video data. SoftwareX, 26, 2024 [SoftwareX]
- K. Sabri, C. Djilali, G.-A. Bilodeau, N. Saunier, and W. Bouachir. Detection of micro-mobility vehicles in urban traffic. In Conference on Robots and Vision, 2024. [arxiv:2402.18503]
- F. Chabot, N. Saunier, and G. Boisjoly. Testing a new mobile application to study public spaces Urban Findings, 2024. [open access]
- X. Chen, Z. Cheng, C. Zhang, L. Sun, and N. Saunier. Memory-efficient hankel tensor factorization for extreme missing traffic data imputation. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 2024. 24-03529
- Q. Liu, N. Saunier, and G.A. Bilodeau. How good are deep learning methods for automated road safety analysis using video data? an experimental study. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 2024. 24-01372
- Z. Yan, L. Yue, N. Saunier, and J. Sun. Investigating and modeling motorized and non-motorized interaction behavior in shared spaces of intersections. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 2024. 24-06090
- G. Neven, A. Genser, L. Sun, L. Ambühl, and N. Saunier. Short-term traffic forecasting using temporal fusion transformers: A case study of the st-gotthard tunnel. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 2024. 24-02294
- F. Chabot, N. Saunier, J. Voyer, and L. Leprêtre. Étude de la vie dans les espaces publics (ÉVEP) du parc jean-drapeau. Technical report, Polytechnique Montreal, 2024
- 2023
- X. Chen, C. Zhang, X. Chen, N. Saunier, and L. Sun. Discovering dynamic patterns from spatiotemporal data with time-varying low-rank autoregression. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2023 [IEEE] [arXiv:2211.15482]
- M. Miah, G.-A. Bilodeau, and N. Saunier. Multi-object tracking and segmentation with a space-time memory network. In Conference on Robots and Vision, 2023 [arxiv:2110.11284]
- S. Lamghari, G.-A. Bilodeau, and N. Saunier. Transformer-based human action recognition with dynamic feature selection. In Conference on Robots and Vision, 2023
- W. Do, N. Saunier, and L. F. Miranda-Moreno. An empirical analysis of the effect of pedestrian-signal countdown timer on driver behavior at signalized intersections. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 180, 2023. Presented at the 2023 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting [AAP]
- H. Blache and N. Saunier. Is it possible to automatically generate a large scale metropolitan traffic model? evidence from a built for the study of intelligent transportation applications in montreal. In Proceedings of the World Conference on Transportation Research (WCTR), July 2023
- A. SheikhMohammadZadeh, N. Saunier, and E.O.D. Waygood. A new methodology for the evaluation of street functions using video data: A case study on speed humps in montreal. In Proceedings of the World Conference on Transportation Research (WCTR), July 2023
- X. Chen, Z. Cheng, N. Saunier, and L. Sun. Laplacian convolutional representation for traffic time series imputation. In Proceedings of the World Conference on Transportation Research (WCTR), July 2023
- S. Amiri, J. Goulet, M. Trépanier, C. Morency, and N. Saunier. Modeling transportation time series using bayesian dynamic linear models. In Proceedings of the World Conference on Transportation Research (WCTR), July 2023
- M. Nabavi Niaki, J.-S. Bourdeau, L.F. Miranda-Moreno, and N. Saunier. Cycling network discontinuities as indicators for performance evaluation: Case study in four cities. In Proceedings of the World Conference on Transportation Research (WCTR), July 2023
- J. Stipancic, N. Saunier, N. Navidi, E. Bellemare-Racine, L. F. Miranda-Moreno, and A. Labbe. Evaluating map matching algorithms for smartphone GNSS data: Matching vehicle trajectories to an urban road network. In Proceedings of the World Conference on Transportation Research (WCTR), July 2023
- C. Toulouse, N. Saunier, and M.-S. Cloutier. Cyclist overtaking safety study using video data. In Proceedings of the World Conference on Transportation Research (WCTR), July 2023
- X. Chen, C. Zhang, L. Sun, and N. Saunier. Nonstationary temporal matrix factorization for sparse traffic time series forecasting. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 2023. 23-01696. [arXiv:2203.10651]
- W. Do, N. Saunier, and L. F. Miranda-Moreno. Evaluation of conventional safety indicators for connected and automated vehicles in car following at signalized intersections. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 2023. 23-04369
- O. Audet, R. Marcouiller, J.-F. Barsoum, N. Saunier, J. Leornard, K. Machabée, and J. Tréhel. Les véhicules automatisés 2.0 : Au-delà des véhicules individuels et des navettes. Technical report, AQTr, 2023 [AQTr]
- 2022
- S. Choi, N. Saunier, M. Trepanier, and L. Sun. Spatiotemporal residual regularization with kronecker product structure for traffic forecasting. In NeurIPS Workshop on Gaussian Processes, Spatiotemporal Modeling, and Decision-making Systems, New Orleans, November 2022. [arXiv:2212.06653].
- N. Saunier and F.-Z. Dahak. Cyclist-pedestrian cohabitation in seasonal pedestrian streets. In International Cycling Safety Conference, pages 211–213, Dresden, November 2022 [ICSC]
- A. Huot-Orellana and N. Saunier. Automated shuttles as traffic calming: Evidence from a pilot study in city traffic. In International Cycling Safety Conference, pages 226–228, Dresden, November 2022 [ICSC]
- W. Do, N. Saunier, and L. F. Miranda-Moreno. Safety benefits of automated speed advisory systems at signalized intersections. Transportation Research Record, 2022. Presented at the 2022 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting [TRR]
- A. SheikhMohammadZadeh, N. Saunier, and E.O.D. Waygood. Developing an objective framework to evaluate street functions. Sustainability, 14(12), 2022 [MDPI]
- J.-F. Bruneau, J. Hugonnier, A. Philippe, F. Paulhiac, N. Saunier, and M. Trépanier. Étude de faisabilité pour intégrer une navette autonome au projet du tod de la gare de candiac. Technical report, UQàM et Polytechnique Montréal, 2022
- Z. Tkiouat, É. Labonté-Lemoyne, R. Titah, N. Saunier, P.-M. Léger, and S. Sénécal. Attention and Human AI collaboration, the context of automated vehicles. In 24th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII2022): The 2nd Annual Workshop on Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HCAI), June 2022[Springer]
- F. Chabot, N. Saunier, and G. Boisjoly. Developing and testing a mobile application to observe activities in public spaces: Results of a case study in montreal, canada. In Bridging Transportation Researchers (BTR) Conference, August 2022 [Presentation (YouTube)]
- M.C. Ouimet, F. Bellavance, M.-S. Cloutier, L. Corado, M. Lavallière, Luis F. Miranda-Moreno, and N. Saunier. Réseau de recherche en sécuité routière du québec: Rapport d'activités 2021-2022. Technical report, Université de Sherbrooke, 2022
- C. Morency, M. Trépanier, N. Saunier, J. Cheng, P.-L. Bourbonnais, J.-S. Bourdeau, B. Milord, H. Verreault, A. Viallard, N. Sharbatdar, and Y. Lamine. Développement et déploiement de l'outil osc2ar pour le suivi et l'analyse des conditions de circulation sur le réseau routier. Technical report, Polytechnique Montréal, 2022
- M.-S. Cloutier, F. Ciari, N. Saunier, and E.O.D. Waygood. Cohabitation cyclistes-piétons sur les rues piétonnes projet-pilote sur l'avenue du mont-royal et la rue wellington. Technical report, INRS, 2022 [pdf (INRS)]
- M. Moliner, N. Saunier, and F. Ciari. Simulations of different scenarios of the use of autonomous vehicles with a multi-agent model. In 10th symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART), Leuven, Belgium, June 2022. Also presented at the MATSim User Meeting 2022
- S. Lamghari, G.-A. Bilodeau, and N. Saunier. Actar: Actor-driven pose embeddings for video action recognition. In IEEE Workshop on Perception Beyond the Visible Spectrum (PBVS), New Orleans, June 2022 [CVPRW] [arXiv:2204.08671]
- P. Garcia, B. Agard, and N. Saunier. Anomaly detection method applied to vehicle monitoring. In 10th IFAC triennial conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control (MIM 2022), volume 55, pages 3064–3069, Nantes, June 2022
- X. Chen, M. Lei, N. Saunier, and L. Sun. Low-rank autoregressive tensor completion for spatiotemporal traffic data imputation. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 23(8):12301–12310, 2022 [IEEE] [arXiv:2104.14936].
- M.-S. Cloutier, S. Godillon, D. Lafond, A. Marois, N. Saunier, and F. Vachon. Accident de la route au travail: qu'en est-il des travailleurs piétons? Technical report, Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail (IRSST), 2022 [pdf (IRSST)]
- B. Ledezma-Navarro, L. F. Miranda-Moreno, N. Saunier, T. Fu, and A. Labbe. Do stop-signs improve safety for all road users? a before-after study on stop-controlled intersections using video trajectory and surrogate methods. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 167:106563 2022. Presented at the 2020 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting [AAP]
- É. Beauchamp, N. Saunier, and M.S. Cloutier. Study of automated shuttle interactions in city traffic using surrogate measures of safety. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 135:103465, 2022 [TRC]
- A. Dominguez, N. Saunier, C. Alcaraz, R. Al Mallah, and J. M. Fernandez. Reinforcement-learning-based attack on adaptive traffic control systems. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 2022. 22-03444
- 2021
- B. Ledezma-Navarro, L. F. Miranda-Moreno, N. Saunier, T. Fu, and A. Labbe. Do stop-signs improve safety for all road users? a before-after study on stop-controlled intersections using video trajectory and surrogate methods. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2021. Accepted. Presented at the 2020 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting
- G. Faure, H. Perreault, G.-A. Bilodeau, and N. Saunier. Polytrack: Tracking with bounding polygons. In NeurIPS 2021 Machine Learning for Autonomous Driving Workshop, 2021 [ML4AD]
- H. Perreault, G.-A. Bilodeau, N. Saunier, and M. Héritier. Ffavod: Feature fusion architecture for video object detection. Pattern Recognition Letters, 151:294–301, 2021 [PRL] [arXiv:2109.07298]
- X. Chen, M. Lei, N. Saunier, and L. Sun. Low-rank autoregressive tensor completion for spatiotemporal traffic data imputation. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2021 [IEEE] [arXiv:2104.14936]
- X. Chen, Y. Chen, N. Saunier, and L. Sun. Scalable low-rank tensor learning for spatiotemporal traffic data imputation. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 129, 2021 [TRC] [arXiv:2008.03194]
- J. Stipancic, E. Bellemare-Racine, A. Labbe, N. Saunier, and L. F. Miranda-Moreno. Massive gnss data for road safety analysis: Comparing crash models for several canadian cities and data sources. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 159, 2021. Presented at the 2020 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting [AAP]
- H. Perreault, G.-A. Bilodeau, N. Saunier, and M. Heritier. Centerpoly: Real-time instance segmentation using bounding polygons. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) Workshops, pages 2982–2991, October 2021. Presented in the 2nd Autonomous Vehicle Vision (AVVision) Workshop [ICCV] [arXiv:2108.08923]
- M. Miah, N. Saunier, and G.-A. Bilodeau. Mentos: Tracklets association with a space-time memory network. In Robust Video Scene Understanding: Tracking and Video Segmentation (CVPR Workshop RVSU), 2021 [arXiv:2107.07067]
- M. Rezaie and N. Saunier. Trajectory clustering performance evaluation: If we know the answer, it's not clustering. Technical report, Polytechnique Montreal, 2021 [arXiv:2112.01570]
- L. Boucaud, N. Saunier, and D. Aloise. Soft attention: Does it actually help to learn social interactions in pedestrian trajectory prediction? Technical report, Polytechnique Montreal, 2021 [arXiv:2106.15321]
- M. Miah, N. Saunier, and G.-A. Bilodeau. Multi-object tracking and segmentation with a space-time memory network. Technical report, Polytechnique Montreal, 2021 [arXiv:2110.11284]
- J. Stipancic, P. St-Aubin, B. Ledezma-Navarro, A. Labbe, N. Saunier, and L. F. Miranda-Moreno. Evaluating safety-influencing factors at stop-controlled intersections using automated video analysis. Journal of Safety Research, 2021. Presented at the 2019 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting [JSR]
- N. Saunier and A. Laureshyn. Surrogate Measures of Safety, Encyclopedia of Transportation, 2:662-667, Elsevier, 2021. [Elsevier]
- É. Beauchamp, N. Saunier, and M.S. Cloutier. Study of automated shuttle interactions in city traffic using surrogate measures of safety. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 2021. 21-01851 [pdf]
- B. Ledezma-Navarro, L. F. Miranda-Moreno, and N. Saunier. Cyclist behaviour towards stop signs. a before-after study on stop-controlled intersections using video trajectory and surrogate methods. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 2021. 21-04453 [pdf]
- M. Moliner, F. Ciari, and N. Saunier. État de l'art sur les indicateurs de performance des mobilités innovantes. Technical report, Polytechnique Montréal, 2021. Réalisé pour le compte de GeoTwin
- M. Moliner, F. Ciari, and N. Saunier. Une ontologie des indicateurs de performance des mobilités innovantes. Technical report, Polytechnique Montréal, 2021. Réalisé pour le compte de GeoTwin
- 2020
- C. Toulouse, S. Amiri, M.-S. Cloutier, and N. Saunier. Speed limit changes and driver behaviour: A spatial lag model. Transport Findings, 2020 [open access]
- S. Lamghari and N. Saunier G.-A. Bilodeau and. A grid-based representation for human action recognition. In 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2020 [arXiv:2010.08841]
- M. Miah, J. Pepin, N. Saunier, and G.-A. Bilodeau. An empirical analysis of visual features for multiple object tracking in urban scenes. In 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2020 [project page] [arXiv:2010.07881]
- H. Perreault, G.-A. Bilodeau, N. Saunier, and M. Héritier. Spotnet: Self-attention multi-task network for object detection. In Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision, 2020 [IEEE] [arXiv:2002.05540]
- H. Perreault, M. Héritier, P. Gravel, G.-A. Bilodeau, and N. Saunier. RN-VID: A feature fusion architecture for video object detection. In 17th International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition, 2020. Springer Best Paper Award [arXiv:2003.10898]
- H.-L. Ooi, G.-A. Bilodeau, and N. Saunier. Supervised and unsupervised detections for multiple object tracking in traffic scenes: A comparative study. In 17th International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition, 2020 [arXiv:2003.13644]
- V. Chabin and N. Saunier. Should I bike or should I drive? Comparative analysis of travel speeds in montreal. Transport Findings, 2020 [open access]
- A.G. Jain and N. Saunier. Autocamera calibration for traffic surveillance cameras with wide angle lenses. Technical report, Polytechnique Montréal, 2020 [arXiv:2001.07243]
- É. Beauchamp, N. Saunier, H. Alizadeh Aliabadi, and M. Nazem. Validation des technologies de comptages des véhicules à l'entrée d'un stationnement. Routes et Transports, 49(1):24-30, 2020 [AQTr]
- M. C. Ouimet, M.-S. Cloutier, J. I. Nazif-Muñoz, M. Lavallière, N. Saunier, L. Corado, and T. G. Brown. État de la recherche sur les propositions du projet de loi no 165 sur les jeunes conducteurs et passagers, la distraction, la conduite avec les capacités affaiblies, les piétons et les véhicules autonomes. Consultations particulières et auditions publiques sur le projet de loi no 165 : Loi modifiant le code de la sécurité routière et d'autres dispositions, Réseau de recherche en sécurité routière du Québec, 2020 [Bibliothèque de l'Assemblée Nationale du Québec]
- E. Beauchamp and N. Saunier. Validation des technologies de comptages des véhicules à l'entrée d'un stationnement. Technical Report, exo (Réseau de Transport Métropolitain), 2020
- L. Nébot Janvier and N. Saunier. An open-source minimal micro-simulation tool for safety analysis. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 2020. 20-06071
- B. Ledezma-Navarro, L. F. Miranda-Moreno, N. Saunier, T. Fu, and A. Labbe. Do stop-signs improve safety for all road users? A before-after study on stop-controlled intersections using video trajectory and surrogate methods. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 2020. 20-03499
- J. Stipancic, E. Bellemare-Racine, A. Labbe, N. Saunier, and L. F. Miranda-Moreno. Relating traffic flow to crashes using massive gps data: Smartphones and usage-based insurance data agree. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 2020. 20-01391
- M. Pelletier, N. Saunier, and J. Le Ny. Privacy in Dynamical Systems, chapter Differentially Private Analysis of Transportation Data, pages 131–155. Springer Singapore, Singapore, 2020 [Springer]
- 2019
- M.-S. Cloutier, S. Godillon, D. Lafond, A. Marois, N. Saunier, and F. Vachon. Accident de la route au travail: qu'en est-il des travailleurs piétons? Technical report, Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail (IRSST), 2019
- L. F. Miranda-Moreno, N. Saunier, and M.-S. Cloutier. Projet pilote sur la sécurité des carrefours avec "arrêts toutes directions". Technical report, Université McGill, Polytechnique Montréal, INRS, 2019. 105 pp. Réalisé pour le compte de la Ville de Montréal
- M. Nabavi Niaki, N. Saunier, and L. F. Miranda-Moreno. Is that move safe? Case study of cyclist movements at intersections with cycling discontinuities. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 131 :239–247, 2019. Presented at the 2019 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting [AAP] Second prize of the 2020 RRSR student journal paper competition
- T. Fu, W. Hu, N. Saunier, and L. F. Miranda-Moreno. Investigating secondary pedestrian-vehicle interactions at non-signalized intersections using vision-based trajectory data. Transportation Research Part C : Emerging Technologies, 105:222-240, 2019. Third place winner of the RRSR Workshop student poster competition. Presented at the 2019 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. [TRC]
- A. Marois, M.-S. Cloutier, N. Saunier, S. Godillon, D. Lafond, and F. Vachon. Safety, stress and work zone complexity: A field study on police officers performing on-foot traffic control. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 1, 2019. In Press. Presented at the 2019 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting [TRIP]
- H. Alizadeh Aliabadi, B. Farooq, C. Morency, and N. Saunier. Frequent versus occasional drivers: A hybrid route choice model. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 64:171-183, 2019. Presented at the 2018 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting [TRF]
- M.-S. Cloutier, R. Séguin, and N. Saunier. Environnement routier et blessés cyclistes résultants d'une collision avec un véhicule: quels facteurs de risque dans un milieu régional faiblement densifié ? Cybergeo: European Journal of Geography, (893), April 2019 [CyberGeo (open access)]
- M.-S. Cloutier, U. Lachapelle, and N. Saunier. Mesurer l'impact sur la sécurité routière d'une modification de limite de vitesse sur le réseau routier du québec. Technical report, Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, Université du Québec à Montréal, Polytechnique Montréal, 2019. Réalisé pour le compte de Transports Québec. [pdf (MTQ)]
- H.-L. Ooi, G.-A. Bilodeau, and N. Saunier. Tracking in urban traffic scenes from background subtraction and object detection. In Springer, editor, 16th International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2019 [ICIAR] [arXiv:1905.06381]
- H. Perreault, G.-A. Bilodeau, N. Saunier, and P. Gravel. Road User Detection in Videos, 2019 [arXiv:1903.12049]
- J. Stipancic, L. F. Miranda-Moreno, N. Saunier, and A. Labbe. Network screening for large urban road networks : Using gps data and surrogate measures to model crash frequency and severity. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 125:290–301, 2019 [AAP]
- W. van Haperen, M. Sarmad Riaz, S. Daniels, N. Saunier, T. Brijs, and G. Wets. Observing the observation of (vulnerable) road user behaviour and traffic safety: A scoping review. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 123:211-221, 2019 [AAP]
- P. St-Aubin, N. Saunier, A. Labbe, and L. F. Miranda-Moreno. Safety study at partially stop-controlled intersections using surrogate measures. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, 2019. 19-01827
- J. Stipancic, L. F. Miranda-Moreno, A. Labbe, and N. Saunier. Measuring and visualizing space-time congestion patterns in an urban road network using large-scale smartphone-collected gps data. Transportation Letters, 11(7):391–401, 2019 [pre-print]
- 2018
- A. Várhelyi, A. Laureshyn, C. Johnsson, N. Saunier, R. van der Horst, M. de Goede, and T. K. O. Madsen. Surrogate measures of safety and traffic conflict observations, chapter 4, pages 93–125. Hasselt University, 2018. How to analyse accident causation ? - A handbook with focus on vulnerable road users [Handbook]
- J.-F. Barsoum, S. Boudreau, M. de Santis, N. Saunier, and A. Savard. Pour un écosystème de mobilité intelligente et intégrée, October 2018. Livre Blanc [AQTr]
- N. Saunier, C. Morency, L.-D. Beaulieu, J.-F. Bruneau, B. Milord, and H. Verreault. Mandat de benchmarking - mesures de mitigation de la ville de montréal. Technical report, Polytechnique Montréal, 2018
- J. Stipancic, L. F. Miranda-Moreno, N. Saunier, and A. Labbe. Surrogate safety and network screening: Modelling crash frequency using gps travel data and latent gaussian spatial models. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 120:174-187, 2018 [AAP]
- M. Nabavi Niaki, N. Saunier, and L. F. Miranda-Moreno. Analysing cyclist behaviour at cycling facility discontinuities using video data. Transactions on Transport Sciences, 9(1):43-57, 2018. Presented at ICTCT 2016 [TOTS (open access)]
- W. van Haperen, S. Daniels, T. De Ceunynck, N. Saunier, T. Brijs, and G. Wets. Yielding behaviour and traffic conflicts at cyclist crossing facilities on channelised right-turn lanes. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 55:272-281, 2018. Presented at the 2017 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting [TRF]
- J. Stipancic, L. F. Miranda-Moreno, and N. Saunier. Vehicle manoeuvers as surrogate safety measures: Extracting data from the gps-enabled smartphones of regular drivers. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 115:160–169, 2018 [AAP]
- T. Fu, L. F. Miranda-Moreno, and N. Saunier. A novel framework to evaluate pedestrian safety at non-signalized locations using video-based trajectory data. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 111:23–33, 2018 Second prize of the RRSR student journal paper competition [AAP]
- N. Saunier, P. Nouri, F. Bélisle, and C. Morency. Evaluating the impacts of connected vehicles on ghg emissions: How to transfer the results from the literature. Technical Report CIRRELT-2018-11, CIRRELT, 2018 [pdf]
- H.-L. Ooi, G.-A. Bilodeau, N. Saunier, and D.-A. Beaupre. Multiple object tracking in urban traffic scenes with a multiclass object detector. In 13th International Symposium on Visual Computing, 2018 [arXiv:1809.02073]
- C. Morency, M. Trépanier, N. Saunier, H. Verreault, and J.-S. Bourdeau. Using 5 parallel passive data streams to report on a wide range of mobility options. In P. Bonnel, M. Munizaga, C. Morency, and M. Trépanier, editors, Transportation Research Procedia, volume 32, pages 82–92, 2018. Transport Survey Methods in the era of big data: facing the challenges (International Conference on Transport Survey Methods) [Transportation Research Procedia]
- H. Alizadeh Aliabadi, P.L. Bourbonnais, C. Morency, B. Farooq, and N. Saunier. An online survey to enhance the understanding of car drivers route choices. In P. Bonnel, M. Munizaga, C. Morency, and M. Trépanier, editors, Transportation Research Procedia, volume 32,pages 482-494, September 2018. Transport Survey Methods in the era of big data: facing the challenges (International Conference on Transport Survey Methods) [Transportation Research Procedia]
- D.-A. Beaupre, G.-A. Bilodeau, and N. Saunier. Improving multiple object tracking with optical flow and edge preprocessing. In First International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Montréal, May 2018 [arXiv:1801.09646]
- M. Urdaneta, A. Lemay, N. Saunier, and J. M. Fernandez. A cyber-physical test bed for measuring the impacts of cyber attacks on urban road networks. In Twelfth IFIP WG 11.10 International Conference on Critical Infrastructure Protection, Arlington, Virginia, March 2018 [pdf]
- P. St-Aubin, B. Ledezma-Navarro, A. Labbe, N. Saunier, and L. F. Miranda-Moreno. Speed at partially and fully stop-controlled intersections. In Transportation Association of Canada Conference and Exhibition, 2018. 18-05438
- M.-A. Tousignant, M. Côté, K. Kalache, M. Barnet, N. Saunier, and F. Bélisle. Services professionnels pour la ville de montréal face à la question des véhicules connectés et autonomes dans le cadre de la mise à jour du plan de transport 2008. Technical report, Ville de Montréal, 2018
- P. St-Aubin, B. Ledezma-Navarro, A. Labbe, T. Fu, N. Saunier, and Miranda-Moreno L. F. Speed at partially and fully stop-controlled intersections. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, 2018. 18-05438
- J. Stipancic, L. F. Miranda-Moreno, N. Saunier, and A. Labbe. Network screening for large urban road networks: Using gps data and surrogate measures to model crash frequency and severity. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, 2018. 18-02836
- H. Alizadeh Aliabadi, B. Farooq, C. Morency, and N. Saunier. Frequent versus occasional drivers: A hybrid route choice model. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, 2018
- F. Bélisle, N. Saunier, and O. Audet. Continuous tracking: exploring the long-term value of bluetooth. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, 2018. 18-05475
- H. Alizadeh Aliabadi, C. Morency, N. Saunier, and B. Farooq. Factors affecting drivers' consideration set of route alternatives. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, 2018. 18-05374
- T. Fu, D. Beitel, B. Ledezma-Navarro, S. A. Zahabi, N. Saunier, and L. F. Miranda-Moreno. Investigating cyclist-pedestrian interactions at bus stops and non-signalized intersections using a distance-velocity model and speed measures derived from video data. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, 2018. 18-05083
- M. Gomaa Mohamed and N. Saunier. The impact of motion prediction methods on surrogate safety analysis: a case study of left turn and opposite direction interactions at a signalized intersection in montreal. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, 10(4):265-287, 2018 [JTSS]
- 2017
- N. Saunier, F. Bélisle, P. Nouri, and C. Morency. Les véhicules connectés auront-ils un impact sur les émissions de gaz à effet de serre? Routes et Transports, 46(2):47–51, October 2017
- J. Stipancic, L. F. Miranda-Moreno, A. Labbe, and N. Saunier. Measuring and visualizing space-time congestion patterns in an urban road network using large-scale smartphone-collected gps data. Transportation Letters: the International Journal of Transportation Research, pages 1–11, 2017 [TL]
- A. Chang, N. Saunier, and A. Laureshyn. Proactive methods for road safety analysis. Technical Report WP-0005, SAE International, October 2017 [pdf]
- M. Gomaa Mohamed and N. Saunier. Applications of multi-level pattern learning to traffic scene interpretation and anomaly detection. Technical Report CIRRELT-2017-48, CIRRELT, 2017 [pdf]
- A. Laureshyn, C. Johnsson, T. Madsen, A. Varhelyi, M. de Goede, Å. Svensson, N. Saunier, and W. van Haperen. Validation of surrogate safety measures with focus on vulnerable road users. In Road Safety & Simulation Conference, 2017
- W. van Haperen, M. Riaz, S. Daniels, N. Saunier, T. Brijs, and G. Wets. Observing the observation of road user behavior: A scoping review to gain insights into current practices. In Road Safety & Simulation Conference, 2017
- J. Stipancic, L. F. Miranda-Moreno, N. Saunier, and A. Labbe. Surrogate safety and network screening: Modelling crash frequency using gps data and latent gaussian models. In Transportation Association of Canada Conference and Exhibition, 2017 First place winner of the Student Paper Award
- T. Fu, L. F. Miranda-Moreno, and N. Saunier. A novel framework to evaluate yielding behavior and crossing decisions at non-signalized locations using video-based trajectory data. In Canadian Association of Road Safety Professionals (CARSP) Conference, 2017 Third prize of the Conference Student Paper Competition
- P. St-Aubin, N. Saunier, L. F. Miranda-Moreno, and A. Laureshyn. Microscopic road safety comparison between canadian and swedish roundabout driver behaviour. In Canadian Association of Road Safety Professionals (CARSP) Conference, 2017
- P. St-Aubin, N. Saunier, and L. F. Miranda-Moreno. Surrogate safety analysis of quebec roundabout design. In Canadian Association of Road Safety Professionals (CARSP) Conference, 2017
- C. Morency, N. Saunier, P. Nouri, and F. Bélisle. Évaluation des bénéfices environnementaux potentiels des véhicules connectés au canada. Rapport final, Polytechnique Montréal, 2017. Réalisé pour le compte de Transports Canada
- C. Morency, M. Trépanier, N. Saunier, M.-A. Tessier, J. Faucher, J.-S. Bourdeau, and A. Giraud. Projet de recherche sur le développement d'un outil de suivi et d'analyse des conditions de circulation sur le réseau routier du MTMDET de la région de Montréal. Rapport final, Polytechnique Montréal, May 2017. Réalisé pour le compte de Transports Québec [pdf (MTQ)]
- M. Hatzopoulou, L. F. Miranda-Moreno, C. Morency, N. Saunier, Z. Patterson, M. Trépanier, M. Shekarrizfard, J. Stipancic, A. Alam, A. Badran, J. Faucher, P. Gaudette, C. Harding, and A. Zahabi. Circulation et qualité de l'air, Parachèvement de l'Autoroute 25: Rapport Final: Rapport général, période: 2011- 2014. Technical report, McGill University, Polytechnique Montréal and Concordia University, 2017 [pdf (MTQ)]
- J. Strauss, S. Zangenehpour, L. F. Miranda-Moreno, and N. Saunier. Cyclist deceleration rate as surrogate safety measure in montreal using smartphone gps data. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 99, Part A:287–296, 2017 [AAP]
- M. Hatzopoulou, L. F. Miranda-Moreno, C. Morency, N. Saunier, Z. Patterson, M. Trépanier, M. Shekarrizfard, J. Stipancic, A. Alam, A. Badran, J. Faucher, P. Gaudette, C. Harding, and A. Zahabi. Circulation et qualité de l'air, parachèvement de l'autoroute 25: Quatrième rapport: rapport de suivi 2013-2014 troisième année d'opération: 24 mai 2013 au 23 mai 2014. Technical report, McGill University, Polytechnique Montréal and Concordia University, 2017
- H. Alizadeh Aliabadi, B. Farooq, C. Morency, and N. Saunier. On the role of bridges as anchor points in route choice modeling. Transportation, pages 1–26, 2017 [Transportation]
- J. Stipancic, L. F. Miranda-Moreno, and N. Saunier. The impact of congestion and traffic flow on crash frequency and severity: An application of smartphone-collected gps travel data. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2659:43–54, 2017. Presented at the 2017 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting [TRR]
- F. Bélisle, N. Saunier, G.-A. Bilodeau, and S. Le Digabel. Optimized video tracking for automated vehicle turning movement counts. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2645:104–112, 2017. Presented at the 2017 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting [TRR]
- M. Gomaa Mohamed and N. Saunier. An investigation of different geometric representations of road user volume and their impact on post-encroachment time. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2659:55–62, 2017. Presented at the 2017 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting [TRR]
- H. Alizadeh Aliabadi, B. Farooq, C. Morency, and N. Saunier. Classifying behavioral dynamics of taxi drivers route choices using longitudinal gps data. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, Washington, D.C., 2017. 17-05190
- J. Laviolette, N. Saunier, C. Morency, and A. Lacombe. Temporal & spatial analysis of taxi demand in montréal using a clustering approach. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, Washington, D.C., 2017. 17-00219
- M. Nabavi Niaki, N. Saunier, and L. F. Miranda-Moreno. Analysis of cyclist behaviour at cycling network discontinuities using computer vision. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, Washington, D.C., 2017. 17-06043
- T. Fu, L. F. Miranda-Moreno, and N. Saunier. Novel framework to evaluate pedestrian safety at nonsignalized locations using video-based trajectory data. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, Washington, D.C., 2017. 17-03979
- 2016
- T. Fu, J. Stipancic, S. Zangenehpour, L. F. Miranda-Moreno, and N. Saunier. Automatic traffic data collection under varying lighting and temperature conditions in multimodal environments: Thermal vs visible spectrum video-based systems. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2016, presented at the 2016 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting First prize of the RRSR student journal paper competition [JAT]
- J. Stipancic, S. Zangenehpour, L. Miranda-Moreno, N. Saunier, and M.-A. Granié. Investigating the Effects of Gender on Bicycle-Vehicle Conflicts at Urban Intersections Using an Ordered Logit Methodology. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 97:19-27, 2016 Third prize of the RRSR student journal paper competition [AAP]
- T. Fu, J. Stipancic, S. Zangenehpour, L. F. Miranda-Moreno, and N. Saunier. Traffic data collection using thermal camera under varying lighting and temperature conditions in multimodal environments. In Transportation Association of Canada Conference and Exhibition, Toronto, ON, 2016 Third place winner of Student Paper Award
- T. Fu, L. F. Miranda-Moreno, and N. Saunier. Surrogate safety measures for crosswalk safety at nonsignalized crossings during nighttime: A montreal case study. In Transportation Association of Canada Conference and Exhibition, Toronto, ON, 2016
- T. Fu, J. Stipancic, S. Zangenehpour, L. F. Miranda-Moreno, and N. Saunier. A comparison of regular and thermal cameras for traffic data collection under varying lighting and temperature conditions in multimodal environments. In Canadian Association of Road Safety Professionals (CARSP) Conference, 2016. Third prize Conference Student Paper Competition
- A. Lessard, F. Bélisle, G.-A. Bilodeau, and N. Saunier. The CountingApp, or How to Count Vehicles in 500 Hours of Video. In International Workshop on Automatic Traffic Surveillance, Las Vegas, July 2016. IEEE [pdf]
- E. Morin, J.-F. Bruneau, G. Bertin-Bénié, N. Saunier, N. Boujilali, É. Abraham, J. Dufort, P. Trudel, F. Bellavance, L. Miranda-Moreno, and F. Saad. Stratégie d'expérimentation de systèmes d'adaptation intelligente de la vitesse et d'enregistreurs de données de vitesse. Technical report, Polytechnique Montréal, 2016 [pdf (MTQ)]
- L. F. Miranda-Moreno, P. Morse, and N. Saunier. Rapport d'étape 1: Révision des normes relatives aux panneaux à messages variables en fonction du nouveau contexte d'utilisation et des nouvelles technologies utilisées. Technical report, McGill University et Polytechnique Montréal, 2016
- A. Laureshyn, M. de Goede, N. Saunier, and A. Fyhri. Cross-comparison of three surrogate safety methods to diagnose cyclist safety problems at intersections in norway. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 105:11–20, 2017 [AAP]
- J.-P. Jodoin, G.-A. Bilodeau, and N. Saunier. Tracking people, bikes and vehicles at traffic intersections in urban setting. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 17:3241-3251, 2016 [preprint] [IEEE] [Urban Tracker]
- S. Zangenehpour, J. Strauss, L. F. Miranda-Moreno, and N. Saunier. Are intersections with cycle tracks safer? control case study based on automated surrogate safety analysis using video data. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 86:161-172, 2016 [pdf] [AAP]
- J.-S. Bourdeau, C. Morency, and N. Saunier. Deriving parking use from household travel survey data. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, 2016. 16-4011
- T. Fu, L. F. Miranda-Moreno, and N. Saunier. Measuring crosswalk safety at nonsignalized crossings during nighttime based on surrogate measures of safety: Case study in Montreal, Canada. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2555:86–94, 2016, presented at the 2016 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. 16-7020 [pdf] [TRR]
- T. Fu, J. Stipancic, S. Zangenehpour, L. F. Miranda-Moreno, and N. Saunier. A comparison of regular and thermal cameras for traffic data collection under varying lighting and temperature conditions in multimodal environments. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, 2016. 16-2846
- L. Gauthier, N. Saunier, S. Le Digabel, and G. Cao. Calibration of driving behavior models using derivative-free optimization and video data for montreal highways. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, 2016. 16-2988 [pdf] [page with data]
- P. Morse, P. St-Aubin, L. F. Miranda-Moreno, and N. Saunier. Transferability study of video tracking optimization for traffic data collection and analysis. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, 2016. 16-6810 [pdf]
- M. Nabavi Niaki, T. Fu, N. Saunier, L. F. Miranda-Moreno, L. Amador-Jimenez, and J.-F. Bruneau. Effects of road lighting on bicycle and pedestrian accident frequency: Case study in montreal, Canada. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2555:86–94, 2016, presented at the 2016 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. 16-5343. [TRR]
- M. Nabavi Niaki, N. Saunier, and L. F. Miranda-Moreno. Methodology to quantify discontinuities in a cycling network: Case study in montreal boroughs. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, 2016. 16-5821
- O. Saoudi Hassani, N. Saunier, and C. Morency. Optimization scenarios of home-work distances in montreal, canada. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, 2016. 16-6469
- M. Shekarrizfard, A. Alam, A. Badran, J. Faucher, L. F. Miranda-Moreno, C. Morency, N. Saunier, Z. Patterson, M. Trépanier, and M. Hatzopoulou. Validation of a puff dispersion model: Air quality simulation for new highway infrastructure. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, 2016. 16-2419
- J. Stipancic, L. F. Miranda-Moreno, and N. Saunier. The who and where of road safety: Extracting surrogate indicators from smartphone-collected gps data in urban environments. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, 2016. 16-2848
- M.-A. Tessier, C.Morency, and N. Saunier. Impact of weather conditions on traffic: Case study of montreal's winter. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, 2016. 16-6846 [pdf]
- 2015
- A. Laureshyn, M. de Goede, N. Saunier, and A. Fyhri. Cross-comparison of three surrogate safety methods to diagnose cyclist safety problems at intersections in norway. In 4th International Cycling Safety Conference, Hannover, September 2015
- A. Diallo, J.-S. Bourdeau, C. Morency, and N. Saunier. Methodology of Parking Analysis. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 42(4):281-285, 2015 [CJCE]
- S. Zangenehpour, L. F. Miranda-Moreno, and N. Saunier. Automated Classification Based on Video Data at Intersections with Heavy Pedestrian and Bicycle Traffic: Methodology and Application. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 56(0):161-176, 2015 [TR-C]
- P. St-Aubin, N. Saunier, and L. F. Miranda-Moreno. Large-Scale Automated Proactive Road Safety Analysis using Video Data. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 58, Part B:363-379, 2015. Big Data in Transportation and Traffic Engineering [TR-C]
- N. Saunier, A. Lacoffe, J.-S. Bourdeau, and M. Trépanier. Projet de recherche portant sur les interrelations des principaux facteurs influençant ou pouvant influencer la qualité du marquage (durabilité et rétroréflexion). Rapport final, Polytechnique Montréal, October 2015
- N. Saunier, F. Soto, M.-S. Cloutier, G. Dussault, P. Rondier, R. Séguin, L. F. Miranda-Moreno, P. Morency, and F. Bellavance. Projet pilote de diagnostic et plan d'action de sécurité routière en milieu municipal. Technical report, Polytechnique Montréal and le Centre Ubanisation Culture Société de l'Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS), 2015 [pdf (MTQ)]
- N. Saunier, P. St-Aubin, S. Burns, M. Cano Perdomo, J.-S. Bourdeau, L. F. Miranda-Moreno, Z. Patterson, and K. Ismail. Sécurité des carrefours giratoires: Rapport final de recherche. Technical report, Polytechnique Montréal, Université McGill, Université Concordia, Université Carleton, February 2015 [pdf]
- J. Stipancic, L. F. Miranda-Moreno, and N. Saunier. Traffic parameter methods for surrogate safety: Comparative study of three non-intrusive sensor technologies. In Canadian Association of Road Safety Professionals (CARSP) Conference, Ottawa, 2015
- T. Fu, S. Zangenehpour, L. F. Miranda-Moreno, M. S. Nabavi Niaki, N. Saunier, L. Amador, and L. Fu. Surrogate safety measures for crosswalk safety at non-signalized crossings during nighttime with the use of thermal videos: A case study in montreal. In Canadian Association of Road Safety Professionals (CARSP) Conference, Ottawa, 2015
- S. Zangenehpour, J. Strauss, L. F. Miranda-Moreno, and N. Saunier. Are intersections with cycle tracks safer? control case study based on automated surrogate safety analysis using video data. In Canadian Association of Road Safety Professionals (CARSP) Conference, Ottawa, 2015. First prize Conference Student Paper Competition
- L. Miranda-Moreno, N. Saunier, S. Zangenehpour, and T. Nosal. Analysis of the impact of the côte-ste-catherine bidirectional bicycle track on the safety of cyclists and pedestrians. Technical report, City of Montréal, 2015
- M. G. Mohamed and N. Saunier. Behaviour Analysis Using A Multi-Level Motion Pattern Learning Framework. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2528:116-127, 2015, presented at the 2015 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. 15-6018 [pdf] [TRR]
- D. Ettehadieh, B. Farooq, and N. Saunier. Systematic Parameter Optimization and Application of Automated Tracking in Pedestrian-Dominant Situations. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, 2015. 15-2400 [pdf]
- P. Anderson-Trocme, J. Stipancic, L. Miranda-Moreno, and N. Saunier. Performance Evaluation and Error Segregation of Video-Collected Traffic Speed Data. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, 2015. 15-1337 [pdf]
- P. Rondier, M.-S. Cloutier, N. Saunier, F. Soto, and L. Miranda-Moreno. Exploring Road Safety Analysis and Stakeholder Engagement for Small and Medium-Sized Communities. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, 2015. 15-5108 [pdf]
- P. St-Aubin, N. Saunier, and L. Miranda-Moreno. Comparison of Various Objectively Defined Surrogate Safety Analysis Methods. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, 2015. 15-4629 [pdf]
- P. St-Aubin, N. Saunier, and L. Miranda-Moreno. Large-Scale Microscopic Traffic Behaviour and Safety Analysis of Québec Roundabout Design. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, 2015. 15-5317 [pdf]
- S. Zangenehpour, T. Romancyshyn, L. Miranda-Moreno, and N. Saunier. Video-Based Automatic Counting for Short-Term Bicycle Data Collection in a Variety of Environments. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, 2015. 15-4888 [pdf]
- S. Zangenehpour, J. Strauss, L. Miranda-Moreno, and N. Saunier. Are Intersections with Cycle Tracks Safer? Control Case Study Based on Automated Surrogate Safety Analysis Using Video Data. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, 2015. 15-4903 [pdf]
- 2014
- M.-S. Cloutier, J.-M. Auberlet, J.-F. Bruneau, A. Dommes, M.-A. Granié, S. Paquin, N. Saunier, T. Serre, and J. Torres (Eds.) La ville sous nos pieds: Connaissances et pratiques favorables aux mobilités piétonnes Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Centre - Urbanisation Culture Société, 2014 [proceedings]
- D. Ettehadieh, B. Farooq, and N. Saunier. Automated pedestrian trajectory data-collection and flow characterization in public spaces. In The Conference on Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2014 (PED 2014), volume 2, pages 207-212, Delft, The Netherlands, October 2014 [Transportation Research Procedia]
- P. St-Aubin, N. Saunier, and L. Miranda-Moreno. Big brother is watching you... to predict crashes. In Big Data and Urban Informatics Workshop, Chicago, August 2014
- S. Zangenehpour, L. Miranda-Moreno and N. Saunier. Automated Classification Based on Video Data at Intersections with Heavy Pedestrian and Bicycle Traffic: Methodology and Application. In Canadian Multidisciplinary Road Safety Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, June 2014 Second prize of the Student Paper Competition
- P. Anderson-Trocme, L. Miranda-Moreno, and N. Saunier. Microsimulation calibration using trajectories based on image processing: from data collection to emission modeling. In Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Annual Conference, 2014
- J.-P. Jodoin, G.-A. Bilodeau, and N. Saunier. Urban tracker: Multiple object tracking in urban mixed traffic. In IEEE Winter Applications of Computer Vision Conference (WACV), 2014 [pdf] [IEEE] [Urban Tracker]
- M. Perdomo, A. Rezaei, Z. R. Patterson, L. F. Miranda-Moreno, and N. Saunier. Pedestrian preferences with respect to roundabouts - a video-based stated preference survey. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 70:84-91, 2014 [pdf] [Science Direct] [pdf]
- S. Burns, L. F. Miranda-Moreno, J. Stipancic, N. Saunier, and K. Ismail. Accessible and practical geocoding method for traffic collision record mapping: Quebec case study. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2460:39-46, 2014, presented at the 2014 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting [pdf] [TRR]
- M. S. Nabavi Niaki, N. Saunier, L. F. Miranda-Moreno, L. Amador-Jimenez, and Bruneau J.-F. A method for road lighting audit and safety screening. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2458:27-36, 2014, presented at the 2014 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting [pdf] [TRR]
- M. Perdomo, A. Rezaei, Z. R. Patterson, L. F. Miranda-Moreno, and N. Saunier. Pedestrian preferences with respect to roundabouts - a video-based stated preference survey. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, 2014. 14-5528
- N. Saunier, H. Ardo, J.-P. Jodoin, A. Laureshyn, M. Nilsson, A. Svensson, L. Fernando Miranda-Moreno, G.-A. Bilodeau, and K. Astrom. Public video data set for road transportation applications. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, 2014. 14-2379 [pdf]
- N. Saunier and M. G. Mohamed. Clustering surrogate safety indicators to understand collision processes. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, 2014. 14-2380 [pdf]
- P. St-Aubin, N. Saunier, and L. F. Miranda-Moreno. Road user collision prediction using motion patterns applied to surrogate safety analysis. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, 2014. 14-5363 [pdf]
- S. Zangenehpour, L. F. Miranda-Moreno, and N. Saunier. Automated classification in traffic video at intersections with heavy pedestrian and bicycle traffic. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, 2014. 14-4337 [pdf]
- A. Afghari, K. Ismail, N. Saunier, A. Sharma, and L. F. Miranda-Moreno. Pedestrian-cyclist interactions at bus stops along segregated bike paths: Case study of montreal, canada. Accepted for presentation at the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, 2014. 14-5387 [pdf]
- 2013
- N. Saunier. Roundabout safety in quebec. In The Safety Network - The Official Newsletter of the Canadian Association of Road Safety Professionals. Canadian Association of Road Safety Professionals, 2013
- M. Brosseau, S. Zangenehpour, N. Saunier, and L. Miranda-Moreno. The impact of waiting time and other factors on dangerous pedestrian crossings and violations at signalized intersections: a case study in montreal. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 21:159-172, 2013 [pdf] [TR-F]
- P. St-Aubin, L. Miranda-Moreno, and N. Saunier. An automated surrogate safety analysis at protected highway ramps using cross-sectional and before-after video data. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 36:284-295, 2013 [TR-C]
- N. Saunier and A. Rabion. Analyse d'interactions entre usagers motorisés et non-motorisés en présence de pistes cyclables: Cas d'étude à montréal. In Colloque International Francophone Piéton, Montréal, QC, November 2013 [p265 of the proceedings]
- M. Hatzopoulou, L. Miranda-Moreno, C Morency, N. Saunier, Z. Patterson, M. Trépanier, A. Alam, A. Badran, J. Faucher, P. Gaudette, C. Harding, F. Martellozzo, and M. Shekarrizfard. Circulation et qualité de l'air, parachèvement de l'autoroute 25: Premier rapport: état de référence. Technical report, McGill University, Polytechnique Montréal and Concordia University, 2013
- N. Saunier, F. Soto, M.-S. Cloutier, G. Dussault, P. Rondier, N. Eluru, L. Miranda-Moreno, P. Morency, and F. Bellavance. Projet pilote de diagnostic et plan d'action de sécurité routière en milieu municipal: Rapport d'étape 1. Technical report, Polytechnique Montréal et l'Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, 2013
- S. Guidoin and N. Saunier. Données ouvertes et transport. Routes et Transports, 42(2):21-23, 2013 [AQTr]
- M. G. Mohamed and N. Saunier. Classifying profiles of surrogate safety measures to understand collision processes. In Canadian Multidisciplinary Road Safety Conference, Montreal, May 2013
- P. Rondier, F. Soto, M.-S. Cloutier, and N. Saunier. Méthodes de diagnostic de sécurité routière en milieu municipal: l'apport d'indicateurs médiatiques sur la perception des risques. In Canadian Multidisciplinary Road Safety Conference, Montreal, May 2013
- M. G. Mohamed and N. Saunier. The influence of motion prediction methods on surrogate safety measures. In CSCE Annual Conference, Montreal, May 2013
- G.-A. Bilodeau, J.-P. Jodoin, and N. Saunier. Change detection in feature space using binary local self-similarities. In Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision, May 2013
- K. Ismail, T. Sayed, and N. Saunier. A methodology for precise camera calibration for data collection applications in urban traffic scenes. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 40(1):57-67, 2013, presented at the 2010 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. In press [CJCE] [pdf (TRB 2010 version)]
- S. Burns, L. Miranda-Moreno, N. Saunier, and K. Ismail. Crash severity analysis at roundabouts: A case study in quebec, canada. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, 2013. 13-4527 [pdf]
- A. Diallo, C. Morency, and N. Saunier. Methodology of parking analysis. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, 2013. 13-2520 [pdf]
- S. Jackson, L. Miranda-Moreno, P. St-Aubin, and N. Saunier. A flexible, mobile video camera system and open source video analysis software for road safety and behavioural analysis. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2365:90-98, 2013, presented at the 2013 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting [pdf] [TRR]
- M. G. Mohamed and N. Saunier. Motion prediction methods for surrogate safety analysis. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2386:168-178, 2013, presented at the 2013 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting [pdf] [TRR] [page with code and data]
- P. St-Aubin, N. Saunier, and L. Miranda-Moreno. Detailed driver behaviour analysis and trajectory interpretation at roundabouts using computer vision data. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2389:65-77, 2013, presented at the 2013 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting [pdf] [TRR]
- S. Zangenehpour, L. Miranda-Moreno, and N. Saunier. Impact of bicycle boxes on safety of cyclists: a case study in montreal. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, 2013. 13-2909 [pdf]
- M. G. Mohamed, N. Saunier, L. Miranda-Moreno, and S. V. Ukkusuri. A clustering regression approach: A comprehensive injury severity analysis of pedestrian-vehicle crashes in New York, US and Montreal, Canada. Safety Science, 54:27-37, 2013, presented at the 2012 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting [Safety Science] [pdf (TRB version)]
- 2012
- N. Saunier, P. Edara & H. Baik. Transportation Safety Analysis in Artificial Intelligence Applications to Critical Transportation Issues. Transportation Research Circular 93-105. M. Chowdhury, A. W. Sadek, G. Abu-Lebdeh, J. McBride & B. Williams (Eds.), Transportation Research Board, 2012 [TRB] [pdf]
- M. Brosseau, A. Carrasquilla, and N. Saunier. Pavement marking retroreflectivity in cold regions: Survey of practices. Technical report CIRRELT-2012-67, CIRRELT, 2012 [pdf]
- S. Paquette, N. Saunier, C. Gagnon, G. Domon, J. Bergeron, J. Nortier and S. Lacoste. Enjeux de paysage et sécurité routière en contexte de traversée d'agglomération (EPSR). Rapport final. [pdf (MTQ)]
- S. Paquette, C. Gagnon, N. Saunier, J. Bergeron, J. Nortier, and G. Domon. Integrating landscape and road safety issues for small towns' entry routes. In Environmental Concerns in Rights-of-Way Management, 10th International Symposium, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 2012
- J.-P. Jodoin, G.-A. Bilodeau, N. Saunier. Background subtraction based on Local Shape. 2012 [arXiv:1204.6326]
- L. Miranda-Moreno, P. St-Aubin, and N. Saunier. Etude concernant l'utilisation d'une ligne continue de délimitation à gauche de la voie 1 (lcgv1) vis-à-vis des entrées et des sorties d'autoroutes. Technical report, McGill University, 2012. Réalisé pour le compte du ministère des Transports du Québec [pdf (MTQ)]
- N. Saunier, M. Brosseau, and A. Carrasquilla. Revue de littérature et recensement auprès des administrations voisines sur l'existence d'une problématique de rétroréflexion et sur les moyens mis en place pour assurer une rétroréflexion d'une durée supérieure à une année. Technical report, Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal, 2012. Réalisé pour le compte du ministère des Transports du Québec. [pdf (MTQ)]
- P. St-Aubin, L. Miranda-Moreno, and N. Saunier. Etude concernant l'utilisation d'une ligne continue de délimitation à gauche de la voie 1 (lcgv1) vis-à-vis des entrées et des sorties d'autoroutes. Routes et Transports, 41(1):14-16, 2012 [pdf] [AQTr]
- B. Y. S. Khanloo, F. Stefanus, M. Ranjbar, Z.-N. Li, N. Saunier, T. Sayed, and G. Mori. A large margin framework for single camera offline tracking with hybrid cues. Computer Vision and Image Understanding. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 116(6):676-689, 2012. [CVIU]
- Y. Malinovskiy, N. Saunier, and Y. Wang. Pedestrian travel analysis using static bluetooth sensors. In Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2299:137-149, 2012, presented at the 2012 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting [pdf] [TRR]
- S. Li, T. Sayed, M. H. Zaki, G. Mori, F. Stefanus, B. Khanloo, and N. Saunier. Automatic collection of pedestrian data using computer vision techniques. In Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2299:121-127, 2012, presented at the 2012 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting [pdf] [TRR]
- M. Brosseau, N. Saunier, K. Le Mouël, and L. Miranda-Moreno. The impact of traffic lights on dangerous pedestrian crossings and violations: a case study in montreal. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, 2012. 12-0941 [pdf]
- P. St-Aubin, L. Miranda-Moreno, and N. Saunier. A surrogate safety analysis at protected freeway ramps using cross-sectional and before-after video data. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, 2012. 12-2955 [pdf]
- N. Saunier and S. Midenet. Creating ensemble classifiers through order and incremental data selection in a stream. Pattern Analysis & Applications, 2012. [pdf] The final publication is available at
- 2011
- S. Paquette, C. Gagnon, G. Domon, N. Saunier, J. Nortier, and J. Bergeron. Enjeux de paysage en sécurité routière en contexte de traversée d'agglomération. Activité 1, Mise à jour des connaissances, des bonnes pratiques et des expériences exemplaires. Technical report, Chaire en paysage et environnement de l'Université de Montréal, June 2011
- C. Locart, B. Agard and N. Saunier. Analyses spatiales d'un réseau de distribution de points de vente: application à une entreprise canadienne de meubles distribués aux États-Unis. 9eme Congrès International de Génie Industriel, Saint-Sauveur, Québec, October 2011 [pdf]
- S. Midenet, N. Saunier and F. Boillot. Exposure to Lateral Collision in Signalized Intersections with Protected Left Turn under Different Traffic Control Strategies. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 43:1968-1978, 2011 [pdf] [Science Direct]
- H. Verreault, C. Morency and N. Saunier. Des espions GPS au service de la gestion des réseaux. In Dixièmes rencontres francophones Est-Ouest de socio-économie des transports, Montréal, June 2011 [pdf]
- C. Morency, M. Trépanier and N. Saunier. Evaluation des enjeux analytiques et des potentialités des données de temps de parcours pour mesurer la fiabilité du réseau routier montréalais, rapport final. Technical report, Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal, May 2011 [pdf (MTQ)]
- P. St-Aubin, L. Miranda-Moreno and N. Saunier. Analysis of Driver Behaviour and Collision Risks for Specialized Lane Markings: Protected Freeway Entrance and Exit Ramps. In Canadian Multidisciplinary Road Safety Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, May 2011 First prize of the Canadian Association of Road Safety Professionals/Insurance Bureau of Canada 2011 Student Paper Competition [pdf]
- N. Saunier, N. Mourji and B. Agard. Using Data Mining Techniques to Understand Collision Processes. In Canadian Multidisciplinary Road Safety Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, May 2011, Published as Technical report CIRRELT-2011-32 [pdf]
- N. Saunier and C. Morency. Comparing data from mobile and static traffic sensors for travel time assessment. In 1st T&DI Congress, Chicago, IL, 2011. ASCE [pdf]
- C. Morency, M. Trépanier, N. Saunier and J.-P. Akélaguélo. Enhancing the value of an incidents database with an interactive visualization tool. In 1st T&DI Congress, Chicago, IL, 2011. ASCE [pdf]
- N. Saunier, A. El Husseini, K. Ismail, C. Morency, J.-M. Auberlet and T. Sayed. Pedestrian stride frequency and length estimation in outdoor urban environments using video sensors. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2264:138-147, 2011, presented at the 2011 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting [pdf] [TRR]
- N. Saunier, N. Mourji and B. Agard. Investigating collision factors by mining microscopic data of vehicle conflicts and collisions. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2237:41-50, 2011, presented at the 2011 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. Young Researcher Award of the TRB Committee on Safety Data, Analysis, and Evaluation (ANB20) [pdf] [TRR]
- K. Ismail, T. Sayed and N. Saunier. Methodologies for aggregating traffic conflict indicators. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2237:10-19, 2011, presented at the 2011 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting [pdf] [TRR]
- 2010
- N. Saunier and S. Midenet. Automatic Estimation of the Exposure to Lateral Collision in Signalized Intersections using Video Sensors. [arXiv:1012.4776]
- N. Saunier, J.-M. Auberlet and M.-A. Granié. A study of pedestrian crossing behaviour using video sensors. Poster at the 23rd International Cooperation on Theories and Concepts in Traffic safety (ICTCT), The Hague, November 2010 [pdf]
- N. Saunier. Incidence de la régulation d'un carrefour à feux sur le risque routier. Editions Universitaires Européennes, 2010
- T. Sayed, N. Saunier, G. Lovegrove and P. de Leur. Advances in proactive road safety planning. In Canadian Multidisciplinary Road Safety Conference, Niagara Falls, Ontario, June 2010 [pdf]
- K. Ismail, T. Sayed and N. Saunier. Automated safety analysis using video sensors: Technology and case studies. In Canadian Multidisciplinary Road Safety Conference, Niagara Falls, Ontario, June 2010. First prize of the Canadian Association of Road Safety Professionals/Insurance Bureau of Canada 2010 Student Paper Competition [pdf]
- B. Y. S. Khanloo, F. Stefanus, M. Ranjbar, Z.-N. Li, N. Saunier, T. Sayed and G. Mori. Max-margin offline pedestrian tracking with multiple cues. In Seventh Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision. IEEE, 2010 [bib] [pdf] [page]
- N. Saunier, T. Sayed and K. Ismail. Large Scale Automated Analysis of Vehicle Interactions and Collisions. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2147:42-50, 2010, presented at the 2010 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Young Researcher Award of the TRB Committee on Safety Data, Analysis, and Evaluation (ANB20). [pdf] [TRR]
- K. Ismail, T. Sayed and N. Saunier. Automated Analysis Of Pedestrian-vehicle Conflicts: Context For Before-and-after Studies. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2198:52-64, 2010, presented at the 2010 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Outstanding paper award of the TRB Pedestrian committee (ANF10). [pdf] [TRR]
- 2009
- N. Saunier, K. Ismail and T. Sayed. Camera Calibration for Automated Road Safety Analysis using Video Sensors. Technical report, University of British Columbia, December 2009
- N. Saunier and T. Sayed. A prototype system for truck signal priority using video sensors. In Annual Conference of the Transportation Association of Canada, Vancouver, B.C., October 2009 [pdf]
- K. Ismail, T. Sayed and N. Saunier. Automated pedestrian safety analysis using video data in the context of scramble phase intersections. In Annual Conference of the Transportation Association of Canada, Vancouver, B.C., October 2009 [pdf]
- N. Saunier, T. Sayed and K. Ismail. An object assignment algorithm for tracking performance evaluation. In Eleventh IEEE International Workshop on Performance Evaluation of Tracking and Surveillance (PETS 2009), June 2009 [bib] [pdf (2 typos corrected)] [proceedings]
- A. Tarko, G. Davis, N Saunier, T. Sayed and S. Washington. Surrogate Measures of Safety. White Paper, ANB20(3) Subcommittee on Surrogate Measures of Safety, ANB20 Committee on Safety Data Evaluation and Analysis, April 2009 [pdf]
- N. Saunier, K.Ismail and T. Sayed. Automated road safety analysis: Video-based road user classification. Technical report, University of British Columbia, February 2009 [bib]
- K. Ismail, T. Sayed, N. Saunier and C. Lim. Automated Analysis of Pedestrian-Vehicle Conflicts using Video Data. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2140:44-54, 2009, presented at the 2009 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting [bib] [pdf] [TRR]
- K. Ismail, T. Sayed and N. Saunier. Automated Collection Of Pedestrian Data Using Computer Vision Techniques. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, Washington D.C., January 2009. 09-1122 [bib] [pdf]
- 2008
- N. Saunier, W. Kang, T. Sayed and C. Lim. Truck signal priority. Technical report, Bureau of Intelligent Transportation Systems and Freight Security, University of British Columbia, 2008 [bib]
- N. Saunier and T. Sayed. Probabilistic Framework for the Automated Analysis of the Exposure to Road Collision. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2083:96-104, 2008, presented at the 2008 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting [bib] [pdf] [page] [TRR]
- 2007
- N. Saunier, T. Sayed and C. Lim. Probabilistic Collision Prediction for Vision-Based Automated Road Safety Analysis. 10th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Seattle, October 2007 [bib] [pdf] [page] [IEEE]
- N. Saunier and T. Sayed. Automated Road Safety Analysis Using Video Data. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2019:57-64, 2007, presented at the 2007 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting [bib] [pdf] [TRR]
- 2006
- N. Saunier and T. Sayed. Clustering Vehicle Trajectories with Hidden Markov Models. Application to Automated Traffic Safety Analysis. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IEEE. Vancouver, July 2006 [bib] [pdf] [page] [IEEE]
- N. Saunier and T. Sayed. A Feature-Based Tracking Algorithm for Vehicles in Intersections. Third Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision, IEEE. Québec, June 2006 [bib] [pdf] [page] [IEEE]
- N. Saunier and T. Sayed. Automated Road Safety Analysis Using Video Sensors. Technical report, University of British Columbia, 2006 [bib]
- 2005
- Ph.D. thesis (2005), entitled "Influence of traffic control in a signalized intersection on the risk of road users; Stream-based learning of safety indicators through data selection" [bib] [server archive]
- French: [résumé] [manuscrit corrigé (pdf)] [transparents de soutenance (pdf)]
- English: [abstract]
- 2004
- N. Saunier, S. Midenet and A. Grumbach. Stream-based Learning through Data Selection in a Road Safety Application. STAIRS 2004, Proceedings of the Second Starting AI Researchers' Symposium, volume 109 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, pages 107-117, Valencia, August 2004 [bib] [pdf]
- N. Saunier, S. Midenet and A. Grumbach. Apprentissage incrémental par sélection de données dans un flux pour une application de sécurité routière. Conférence d'Apprentissage, pages 239-251. Montpellier, June 2004 [bib] [pdf]
- N. Saunier, S. Midenet and A. Grumbach. Coopération entre système d'inférence et système de reconnaissance; détection de situations dangereuses dans un carrefour à feux. Génie Logiciel, (71):20-24, December 2004 [bib] [pdf]
- 2003
- N. Saunier, S. Midenet and A. Grumbach. Automatic detection of vehicle interactions in a signalized intersection. 16th ICTCT Workshop, Soesterberg, October 2003 [bib] [pdf, from ICTCT]
- 2000-2001
- N. Saunier. Interaction Multimodale et Monde Virtuel, Rapport de Projet de 3ème année, ENST, Paris, July 2001 [pdf]
- N. Saunier. Automatic adaptation of learning parameters in reinforcement learning, Internship Report, ATR International, Kyoto, December 2000 [ps.gz]
- Extraction et analyse automatisées des données ouvertes de débits de circulation au Québec, presentation to the expert table on smart mobility of AQTr, Montréal, March 27th 2024
- Open-Source Projects: Machine Learning for Transportation Data Imputation and Prediction, X. Chen et N. Saunier, TRB Reproducible Research Workshop, Washington, January 11th 2024 [pdf]
- Les technologies pour la vision zéro, presentation to the expert table on smart mobility of AQTr, Montréal, November 29th 2023 [pdf]
- Des outils pour comprendre le fonctionnement des espaces publics, Workshop of the International Chair on the use and practice of the smart city (Chaire Internationale sur les usages et pratiques de la ville intelligente), Montréal, May 4th 2023, and Conference of the Order of Urban Planners of Québec, Sherbrooke, November 1st 2023 [pdf]
- Round table, Franchir un cap en sécurité routière au Québec, Laval, February 15th 2023
- Notre relation amour/haine avec l'IA, P.-M. Léger, S. Sénécal, J. T. Martineau, F. Khomh and N. Saunier, 90e Acfas conference, Mai 10th 2023
- A Canadian Perspective on Safe Signalized Intersections, Which Features are Beneficial to Operate Safe Signalized Intersections?, Workshop of the 10th International Cycling Safety Conference, Dresden, November 8th 2022 [pdf]
- Road Safety Analysis using Trajectory Data: At the Intersection of Naturalistic and Simulation Studies, WCTR 2022 virtual event, SIG C4: Traffic Safety Analysis and Policy, July 29th 2022 [pdf]
- Seminar at Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Wuppertal, June 29th 2022 [pdf]
- Automated Vehicles for Sustainable Cities, Solar Decathlon Europe, Urban Mobility Challenge, Wuppertal, June 23rd 2022 [pdf]
- Automated Vehicle Safety Monitoring and Human-Vehicle Communication, INTonomous Virtual Fair, January 31st 2022 [pdf]
- Introduction à l'automatisation de la conduite, Véhicules autonomes - À deux coins de rue du futur?, Coeur des sciences - UQAM, causerie virtuelle, November 10th 2021 [pdf] [YouTube recording (in French)]
- Connectivité et transports du futur, moderator, virtual event organized by AQTr, March 31st 2021
- La transition vers une mobilité faisant place aux navettes autonomes, panel at the Forum Regards croisés: les navettes autonomes au Québec, virtual event organized by Propulsion Québec, September 10th 2020
- L'aventure des voitures intelligentes, with Renaud Manuguerra-Gagné (Centre Déclic), Salon de l'auto, Montréal, January 22nd 2020
- Future of Transportation, WSP Transportation Conference, Montréal, January 20th 2020 [pdf]
- Les données probantes au XXIème siècle, Lunch with Québec chief scientist. The potential of evidence-based studies for municipal decision-making, Montréal, December 17th 2019
- L'impact de l'automatisation des véhicules sur la signalisation, presentation to the expert table on traffic control devices of AQTr, Montréal, December 12th 2019 [pdf]
- Le cas d'une nouvelle technologie et de ses répercussions sur la sécurité et les aménagements: les navettes automatisées à l'essai à Candiac et Hochelaga, Colloque AQTr, la mobilité au service de la sécurité, November 14th 2019 [pdf]
- Approche multidisciplinaire d'étude des navettes automatisées au Québec, 1ères Journées francophones de la sécurité routière, Québec, October 24th 2019 [pdf]
- Anonymisation de données: le cas MTL Trajet, 2ème Rencontres Francophones Transport Mobilité, Montréal, June 11th 2019 [pdf]
- L'aventure des voitures intelligentes, with Valérie Borde (Centre Déclic), festival Eureka, Montréal, June 9th 2019
- Présentation à la consultation publique sur les véhicules autonomes de la ville de Montreal, June 1st 2019
- Surrogate Measures of Safety, 18 Years On, Hasselt University, Hasselt, May 28th 2019 [pdf]
- Diagnostic de la sécurité routière par données GPS, annual workshop of the Network for Research in Road Safety, Québec, May 23rd 2019 [pdf]
- Automated Vehicle Monitoring and Human-Vehicle Communication, MobiliT.AI Forum, Montréal, May 16th 2019 [pdf]
- Automatisation des véhicules: quelles opportunités pour la recherche publique?, CIRRELT Workshop on Autonomous Vehicles, Montréal, May 15th 2019 [pdf]
- L'impact de l'automatisation des véhicules sur le transport collectif, presentation to the expert table on public transport of AQTr, Montréal, February 6th 2019 [pdf]
- L'aventure des voitures intelligentes, with Valérie Borde (Centre Déclic), Salon de l'auto, Montréal, January 19th 2019
- Introduction à l'intelligence artificielle, Hydro Québec, Montréal, November 29th 2018 [pdf]
- Véhicules automatisés et flottes partagées, presentation to the expert table on sustainable mobility of AQTr, Montreal, November 29th 2018 [pdf]
- How do we avoid a future crisis? Parking can't be a transportation afterthought, ITS Canada, Montreal, November 27th 2018 [pdf]
- Peut-on simuler les interactions entre les véhicules automatisés et les usagers vulnérables?, Annual Meeting of Québec Aimsun users 2018, October 18th 2018 [pdf]
- Les véhicules sans conducteurs, pour demain?, Développement durable pour ingénieur (DDI8100), Polytechnique Montréal, September 13th 2018 [pdf]
- Voiture autonome, sécurité et intelligence artificielle, Les rendez-vous de Polytechnique Montréal, L'avenir nous transporte, Échange sur la mobilité durable, May 31st 2018, Montréal [pdf]
- Analysis of Vulnerable Road User Safety Using Video Data: Case Studies in Montreal, Canada, Trafikksikkerhet - nye metoder og ny kunnskap, TOI, Oslo, May 14th 2018 [pdf]
- Apprentissage automatique des trajectoires des usagers de la route pour la sécurité routière, CIRRELT Conference, May 10th 2018 [pdf]
- The Driverless Future, Annual McGill CEGSS Conference, May 9th 2018 [pdf]
- Le recours au véhicule autonome: choix responsable ou inévitable? Comment s'y préparer?, Forum Science et Environnement, May 2nd 2018 [pdf]
- Les voitures autonomes, Colloque sur la mobilité des aînés, January 25th 2018 [pdf]
- State-of-Practice of Surrogate Measures of Safety, SIS118 - Stop Waiting for Crashes to Occur: Video Analytics for Road Safety Analysis, ITS World Congress, Montréal, November 2nd 2017 [pdf]
- Les voitures autonomes: Quel impact sur la mobilité de demain?, Midis-discussions durables, Polytechnique Montréal, october 18th 2017 [pdf]
- Monitoring Transportation Systems: Everyone Here or A Few Everywhere, Smart City X, Montréal, September 23rd 2017 [pdf]
- Levels of Automation, Panel Discussion I - Automated Vehicle Technology and Road Safety, CARSP Conference, Toronto, June 18th 2017 [pdf]
- L'Internet des objets, presentation to the expert table on smart mobility of AQTr, Montréal, June 6th 2017 [pdf]
- Smart Mobility with Artificial Intelligence, C2MTL, Montréal, May 25th 2017
- Impacts des aménagements cyclables sur les comportements et la sécurité des cyclistes (with Luis Miranda-Moreno), Annual workshop of the Québec Road Safety Research Network, Québec City, May 18th 2017
- Applications d'intelligence artificielle en transport, annual workshop of the research chair on mobility, Polytechnique Montréal, May 2nd 2017 [pdf]
- Les villes intelligentes, Mission industrielle: Poly-Monde, Polytechnique Montréal, March 31st 2017 [pdf]
- How to Evaluate all the Functions of Streets?, invited seminar, University of Connecticut, March 27th 2017 [pdf]
- Les technologies pour la sécurité routière de tous les usagers, presentation to the expert table on road safety of AQTr, Montréal, September 8th 2016 [pdf]
- Quelles technologies embarquées pour la mesure et le contrôle de la vitesse?, Colloque AQTr: Des stratégies gagnantes pour mieux gérer la vitesse, Montréal, May 25th 2016 [pdf]
- La révolution autonome, Panel sur les technologies et l'avenir de l'automobile, Montréal Science Centre, January 15th 2016 [pdf]
- Automated Methods for Traffic Data Collection and Surrogate Measures of Safety, IMOB Transportation Research Institute, Hasselt University, March 19th 2015 [pdf]
- Automated Methods for Traffic Data Collection and Surrogate Measures of Safety, Chair of Traffic Engineering and Control, Technische Universität München, March 11th 2015 [pdf]
- Video Analysis for Cyclist Safety: Case Studies in Montreal, Canada, Workshop on Bicycle infrastructure design and interplay in traffic, TOI, Oslo, February 26th 2015 [pdf]
- Automated Road Safety Analysis, Department meeting, Trafik och Vag, Lund University, February 23rd 2015 [pdf]
- Morningside Avenue Traffic Safety Analysis Results, Webinar for the New York City Department of Transportation, February 17th 2015 [pdf]
- In-vehicle Technologies for Speed Management and Road Safety, Workshop on Car Insurance and Behaviour Management, chaire d'actuariat, Laval University, February 5th 2015
- Automated Methods for Surrogate Safety Analysis: Where We Are and Where to Go Next, Keynote speech at the 2014 ICTCT Workshop, University of Applied Science in Karlsruhe, October 16th 2014 [pdf]
- Why Transportation (Engineering)?, Student Day at the Annual Conference of the Transportation Association of Canada, invited by the Ontario Good Roads Association, September 30th 2014 [pdf]
- Automated Methods for Surrogate Safety Analysis, Webinar for the District Department of Transportation, August 25th 2014 [pdf]
- Informations libres: qu'en pensent nos chercheurs?, 13ème journée de la recherche de Polytechnique Montréal, May 29th 2014 [pdf]
- Automated Road Safety Analysis using Video Data Montreal Students' Chapter - Canadian Transportation Research Forum Conference, April 7th 2014 [pdf]
- Automated Methods for Surrogate Safety Analysis, Webinar for the New York City Department of Transportation, February 24th 2014 [pdf]
- Understanding Collision Processes using Video Data, TRB Workshop on Comparison of Surrogate Measures of Safety Extracted from Video Data, January 12th 2014 [pdf]
- Automated Surrogate Road Safety Analysis, Concordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering (CIISE) Distinguished Seminar Series, November 14th 2013 [pdf]
- Diagnostic de sécurité routière à l'aide de données vidéo, IFFSTAR-ENTPE Seminar, May 22nd 2013 [pdf]
- Diagnostic de sécurité routière à l'aide de données vidéo, Institut Pascal Seminar, May 14th 2013 [pdf]
- Analyse de la sécurité des carrefours giratoires au Québec, 48ème Congrès de l'AQTr, Montréal, March 25th 2013 [pdf]
- Open Source Tools for Trajectory Data Analysis, Workshop on Big Data Informatics: Innovations in Mining Structured and Unstructured Information for Mobility Decision-Making, TRB Workshop 124, January 13th 2013 [pdf]
- Open source tools for trajectory data analysis, ITS Canada Annual Conference, Québec, June 13th 2012 [pdf]
- A Surrogate Safety Analysis at Protected Freeway Ramps Using Cross-Sectional and Before-After Video Data, ITS Canada Annual Conference, Québec, June 12th 2012 [pdf]
- The Driverless Revolution, annual workshop of the research chair on mobility, Polytechnique Montréal, May 23rd 2012 [pdf]
- Analyse proactive de la securite routiere et traitement d'image, annual workshop of the Network for Research in Road Safety, Laval University, Québec, May 22nd 2012 [pdf]
- Utilisation de la vidéo pour l'analyse automatique des conflits entre usagers de la route, Colloque AQTr: Les technologies en sécurité routière, Montréal, November 29 2011 [pdf]
- Using Data Mining Techniques to Understand Collision Processes, Canadian Multidisciplinary Road Safety Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, May 9th 2011 [pdf]
- Collecte de données sur les mouvements et la sécurité des piétons par caméra vidéo, 46ème Congrès de l'Association Québécoise du Transport et des Routes, April 12th 2011 [pdf]
- ITS for Transportation Data Collection and Road Safety Analysis; Integrated Platform for Transportation Data Analysis, presentation of CIRRELT to Transport Canada, Montréal, February 11th 2011 [pdf]
- Investigating collision factors by mining microscopic data of vehicle conflicts and collisions, Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 26th 2011 [pdf]
- Pedestrian stride frequency and length estimation in outdoor urban environments using video sensors (Poster), Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 24th 2011 [pdf]
- Automated Road Safety Analysis using Video Sensors, TRAM & CIRRELT weekly transportation seminar, November 25th 2010 [pdf]
- Automated Proactive Road Safety Analysis, invited seminar, University of Connecticut, November 1st, 2010 [pdf]
- Collecte de données sur les mouvements des piétons par caméra vidéo: application à la sécurité routière, Séminaire de la plateforme intégratrice sur le COmportement du PIéton dans son Espace de circulation (COPIE), July 2nd 2010 [pdf]
- Méthodes automatiques pour l'analyse proactive de la sécurité routière, 45ème Congrès de l'Association Québécoise du Transport et des Routes, March 30th 2010 [pdf]
- How Many Ways to Crash, Invited Presentation in the Session on Developments in Alternative Models for Road Safety, Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 13th, 2010 [pdf]
- Large Scale Automated Analysis of Vehicle Interactions and Collisions, Session on Varied Approaches to Road Safety Assessment, Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 12th, 2010 [pdf]
- A prototype system for truck signal priority using video sensors, 2009 Transportation Association of Canada Annual Conference, Vancouver, October 19th 2009 [pdf]
- An Object Assignment Algorithm for Tracking Performance Evaluation, Eleventh IEEE International Workshop on Performance Evaluation of Tracking and Surveillance (PETS 2009), Miami, June 25th 2009 [pdf]
- Truck Signal Priority (with Wook Kang), 2009 ITE Quad Conference, Vancouver, May 2nd 2009 [pdf]
- Presentations on Road Safety Analysis (with Kareem El-Basyouny and Karim Ismail) and Video-based Transportation Data Collection (with Karim Ismail) at a joint Transportation Symposium of the University of British Columbia and University of Washington, Seattle, April 3rd 2009
- Surrogate Safety Analysis, Surrogate Measures of Safety Subcommittee (ANB20(3)), Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 13th 2009 [pdf]
- Vision-Based Road Safety Analysis, 2008 Canadian Institute of Transportation Engineers (CITE) Annual Conference, Victoria, April 30th, 2008 [pdf]
- A Probabilistic Framework for the Automated Analysis of the Exposure to Road Collision (Poster), Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., January 14th, 2008 [pdf]
- The 'I' of ITS, Introductory Course on ITS, UBC CIVL 440 course, Vancouver, November 21st, 2007
- Probabilistic Collision Prediction for Vision-Based Automated Road Safety Analysis, 10th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Seattle, October 3rd, 2007 [pdf]
- Vision-based Road Safety Analysis, invited talk at the SFU Vision and Media Lab with professor Greg Mori, Vancouver, September 12th, 2007 [pdf]
- Automated Road Safety Analysis Based on Video Sensors, Meeting with Christer Hydén and Ase Svensson, UBC, Vancouver, June 28th, 2007 [pdf]
- Automated Road Safety Analysis Using Video Data, Translink, Vancouver, January 29th, 2007 [pdf]
- Clustering Vehicle Trajectories with Hidden Markov Models: Application to Automated Traffic Safety Analysis, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Vancouver, July 20th, 2006 [pdf]
- A Feature-Based Tracking Algorithm for Vehicles in Intersections (Poster), Third Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision, Québec City, June 7th, 2006 [pdf]
- Vehicle Trajectories Clustering with Dynamic Bayesian Networks for Traffic Safety Analysis, ITS Canada Annual Conference, Whistler, June 5th, 2006 [pdf]
- Automated Road Safety Analysis Using Video Sensors, UBC Laboratory for Computational Intelligence Forum, Vancouver, April 24th, 2006 [pdf]
- Clustering automatique de trajectoires avec des HMMs; Application à la sécurité du trafic routier, Séminaire Machine Learning ENST, Paris, January 9th, 2006 [pdf]
- Automated Road Safety Analysis Using Video Sensors, UBC Transportation Seminar, Vancouver, September 15th, 2005 [pdf]
- Stream-Based Learning through Data Selection in a Road Safety Application, STAIRS 2004, Valencia, June 24th, 2004 [pdf]
- Apprentissage incrémental par sélection de données dans un flux pour une application de sécurité routière, Conférence Cap 2004, Montpelier, June 14th, 2004 [pdf]
- Coopération entre système d'inférence et système de reconnaissance; Détection de situations dangereuses dans un carrefour à feux, Forum NTIC et Transports sur le Soft Computing & Transports, Paris, June 27th, 2004 [pdf]
- Automatic detection of vehicle interactions in a signalized intersection, 16th Workshop of the International Cooperation on Theories and Concepts in Traffic safety, Soesterberg, October 30th, 2003 [pdf]
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